
Difficulty setting up a Snap with an iPhone/iPad

There is an issue with setting Snap 1 bulbs up with iOS devices

First, let us determine if you are experiencing the issue:

You have a Snap 1

You are trying to set it up using an iOS device running iOS 12.4.5 or higher (this would include any variant of iOS 13).

You scan the QR code and press "Join" when prompted to by the phone. 

The Snap app fails to automatically connect to the Snap's WiFi and you are directed to connect to the Snap's WiFi by going to the WiFi settings page of your phone. 


If this is the case, we would recommend the following:

Note: Please keep in mind the issue is just with setup so once you add the Snap to your account.

If you borrowed a device to set the Snap up from a friend/family member or you installed the Snap app on an older device and set it up, that Snap will be on your Sengled Snap app account. This means you can view it from any of your iOS/Android devices that can support the Snap app-- including the one on which you were unable to set the Snap up. 

Note: You may have to borrow a device for setup but it is just for getting the Snap setup. 

1) Use an iOS device that is running a version of iOS that is at or below 12.4.4.

2) Use an Android device. 

3) If you are still having difficult setting the Snap up, please email us at for additional troubleshooting. Please entile the email iOS 13/Snap 1 Setup Issue

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