
Hub is Offline // Having Difficulty Adding

These instructions are for if your hub is offline or having difficulty adding.

If your hub is having difficulty adding or is offline, check out this article that explains some proactive steps that can be taken to help ensure the hub can be found and added.

Next, determine if your hub needs to be reset; this article explains when a hub would need to be reset.


If the previous article suggest that you will have to reset your hub due to the previously mentioned conditions that warrant needed to reset your hub, we would recommend the following to get the hub setup:

1) After the instructions in the previous two links have been followed, ensure that the hub has been removed from any previous Sengled Element accounts. If the hub is still associated with an account, navigate to the device tab, then delete the hub in question.

For help with how to delete a hub from the Sengled Home app, please see this article.

2) If there is an Ethernet cable attached to the hub, remove the cable from the hub. If not, continue on to the next step.

3) Power down your modem/router by unplugging it. Turn the hub off by unplugging it. After both have been unplugged, wait 30 seconds. Then, power up your router/modem and your hub. Wait at least 60 seconds for both of them to be powered on.

4) Press and hold the reset button on the side of the hub for 8 seconds (you may use a pen or pencil to do this if it is easier). If successful, the middle LED indicator on the hub will flash eight times.

5) Please wait for 60 seconds otherwise the hub may not reset properly.

6) Before adding the hub, you want to make sure that your modem/router is on and that it is broadcasting internet. Just do a quick browser search from your phone while your phone is connected to the 2.4 GHz WiFi that your modem/router broadcasts.

7) Connect the Ethernet cable back to your hub and wait 60 seconds.

8) Download the Sengled Home app (red icon) if you have not already. Below is a picture of what the icon looks like:

9) From here, login to the Sengled Home app with the email address and password associated with your Sengled app.

If you were using the old Element Home app, you would use the same login credentials in the new Sengled Hone app. If you are transferring your account to the Sengled Home app, be sure to press yes when asked to transfer over to the new app.


Login to the Sengled Home app with the email address and password that is associated with your Sengled account.


Press the three dots in a circle symbol located in the top-right of the screen. Then, press “Add Device”.

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From here, press “Starter Kit” on the screen. Once you are on the “To get started” screen, as shown below, make sure you have everything as depicted on the screen.

If you do, press “Start”.

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Plug the hub into a wall outlet and ensure it is receiving power; if the hub is receiving power, the power indicator light on the hub will be blue.

Plug the provided Ethernet cord into your router and your hub. Please make sure the Ethernet cord is securely plugged in on both ends.

From here, wait 60 seconds.

While you are waiting, please make sure the phone or tablet you are doing the setup from is connected to the same 2.4 GHz WiFi that your hub is plugged into.

As indicated from the example photo, if your router broadcasts two WiFi signals, for example with one of them named “Support_2.4G” and the other one named “Support_5G”, make sure your phone is connected to the 2.4 GHz WiFi. In this example, we can tell the WiFi apart due to the name of the WiFi.

Since the Sengled Smart Hub cannot be setup on the 5.0 GHz and since the “Support_5G” WiFi broadcasts the 5.0 GHz as indicated by the “_5G” part of its name, we will connect to the 2.4 GHz WiFi broadcast from our router— “Support_2.4G”.

In this example, our hub is already connected via Ethernet cord to the router that broadcasts the 2.4 GHz WiFi.

Depending on your router, it may broadcast the 2.4 GHz band and the 5.0 GHz WiFi band under the same name. In this case, you may need to go into your router’s settings to split the band. If you are having trouble with this, please contact your router’s manufacturer so they can walk you through splitting the band.

After your phone is connected to your router’s 2.4 GHz WiFi and your hub has been powered on and connected to your router via Ethernet for at least 60 seconds, press “Next” to proceed.

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Look at your hub and make sure the power light and the Ethernet light on your hub are on, press “Next” to proceed.

From here, the Sengled Home app will search for the hub.

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After the hub is found, you will have to decide between using the hub in wired mode only or setting the hub up via WiFi which will allow you to use the hub wired or wirelessly. Regardless of what you choose, we highly recommend keeping the hub plugged in via Ethernet cable as a wired connection, like with most internet capable devices, is much more reliable.

Since the path to set the hub up splits here, first we will discuss setting the hub up to operate in wired mode only in “Path One”; later we will discuss setting the hub up to operate via wireless or wired mode in “Path Two”. Please feel free to proceed to whichever path you prefer.

Path One:

After the hub is found, press “Next”. The hub will connect to your router. Please note this can take 20 seconds or longer depending on your network’s strength.

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After the hub is setup, you will be on a page that says “Congratulations!”. Please do not unplug the Ethernet cord from your hub. To ensure the hub functions properly, the hub must always remain plugged in via Ethernet cord to your router. This is because we choose to set the hub up to only function in wired mode.

Once you are ready to proceed, press “Name Your Hub”. This will take you to the name hub screen where you can tap on the hub’s default name and give it a custom name.

In this example, we choose to keep the default name and proceeded to setting up the light bulbs. Once you are happy with the hub’s name, press “Setup Light Bulb”.

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Now, turn your light bulbs on.

Remember, Sengled Smart LED bulbs, like most LED bulbs, cannot be used on dimmer switches such as wall dimmers, ceiling fan fixtures or 3-way lamps.

Sengled Smart LED Tunable White A19 bulbs, however, can be used on certain wall dimmers; for more information about this, please visit this link.

Furthermore, Sengled Smart LED bulbs, like almost all LED bulbs, cannot be used in fully-enclosed fixtures.

Due to humidity concerns, all Sengled Smart LED bulbs, with the exception of the Sengled Smart LED Bright White PAR38 bulbs, are not meant to be used outdoors.

Once your bulbs are on, press “Next”



From here, we can organize the bulbs into rooms via the Sengled Home app. To identify which bulb we are naming, we would press the power button near the middle of the page.

In the provided screenshot, the power button has been circled in red to make it easier to identify. Press it to turn off a bulb. The bulb that responds to this command is the one that is being named and assigned to a room.

Press the “Add Room” button, circled in blue in this example, to add the bulb to a room.

As shown, “Bedroom” is selected by tapping on it. Then, to finalize this choice, we pressed “Add".

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Now the bulb has a new name. Once a bulb is assigned to a room, it will be given a new name. The Sengled Home app will automatically generate names for the bulbs based upon the number of bulbs in that room. Since this bulb is the first bulb to be added to the Bedroom, it has been given the name “Bedroom Bulb 1”. You can change the name of the bulb to something else.

If you go through the setup for an Echo device or Google Home device, the names of the bulbs will transfer over when the hub is connected to the voice-assistance service; the rooms the bulbs are put in with the Sengled Home app will not transfer over. If you decide to use the names assigned to the bulbs in the Sengled Home app after they have been placed in a room, it will make the bulbs easier to identify and organize in the Alexa app and/or Google Home app respectively.

You can, of course, give the bulbs unique names. If you can identify the location of the bulb by name, integration with Alexa and/or Google Home will be much easier.

For example, if you have 5 bulbs in the living room, you could name them:

Living Room Bulb 1

Living Room Bulb 2

Living Room Bulb 3

Living Room Bulb 4

Tall Lamp


All of the above bulbs, with their names from the Sengled Home app, would be transferred over to Alexa and/or Google Home when installing the Sengled Home Skill or Sengled Home Linked Service respectively.


Once you are done with naming the bulb, press “Next” to name the second bulb. After pressing “Next”, you will see a message that says “Saved Successfully”; press “OK” to proceed.

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In our example, the second bulb has been named as previously demonstrated. We choose to assign the second bulb to the bedroom, since it is in the bedroom. You can, of course, press “Add Room” to create a new room for a bulb or choose from a pre-existing room by scrolling left or right on the “Assign the bulb to a room” line.

Once you have assigned all of your bulbs to a room and named them, press “Done”. From here, the room information will refresh, and you will be redirected back to the “Home” page.



After that, the Sengled Home app will prompt you to a quick tutorial of how to use the Sengled Home app and how to integrate with Echo devices, Google Home Assistant devices and the IFTTT app.

In this example, we clicked on “Sengled Home App” for a quick tutorial of the Sengled Home app.

The following will include the in-app tutorial of the Sengled Home app:



That is all there is to setting up the hub; the below pictures are from the in-app tutorial of the Sengled Home app. 

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After the tutorial, and once everything is synchronized, you can control the bulbs from the “Home” page.

You can turn all your bulbs on or off from the top of the page. To control all the bulbs in the Bedroom group, press the smaller “All On” or “All Off” to the right of the “Bedroom” group. You can also dim the bulbs through the Sengled Home app by dragging the circle in the brightness bar below “Brightness”.




Path Two:

This is the method of setting the hub up, so it can be used in wired mode and wirelessly. Tap on “Connect Using Wi-Fi- Mode Instead” to proceed. You will be asked to wait while the “Select WiFi” screen loads.

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From here, you will be on the “Please select a router Wi-Fi network to connect your hub to…” screen within the Sengled Home app. Select your router’s 2.4 GHz by tapping on it. If you do not see your router’s 2.4 GHz WiFi, press “Search Again” until you see your router’s 2.4 GHz.

In the provided example screenshots, we will connect to our router’s WiFi—which is “Support_2.4G”. At home, be sure to connect to the 2.4 GHz WiFi that your router broadcasts.



After selecting your WiFi, type the password for your WiFi when prompted—as indicated by the red arrow.

After inputting the password for your WiFi, confirming it with the eye icon and pressing “Connect”, you will see a screen that says “Please wait…” as the hub connects to your router.

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From here, you will be on the “Hub is connecting…” page. Please note this can take at least 20 seconds or longer depending on your network’s strength.



After the hub is setup, you will be on a page that says “Congratulations!”. Since we picked Path 2, the hub can be used wirelessly. We still recommend keeping the hub connected to your router with the Ethernet cord since a wired connection is more reliable with any internet-based tech.

Once you are ready to proceed, press “Name Your Hub”. This will take you to the name hub screen where you can tap on the hub’s default name and give it a custom name.

In this example, we choose to keep the default name and proceeded to setting up the light bulbs. Once you are happy with the hub’s name, press “Setup Light Bulb”.

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Now, turn your light bulbs on.

Remember, Sengled Smart LED bulbs, like most LED bulbs, cannot be used on dimmer switches such as wall dimmers, ceiling fan fixtures or 3-way lamps.

Sengled Smart LED Tunable White A19 bulbs, however, can be used on certain wall dimmers; for more information about this, please visit this link.

Furthermore, Sengled Smart LED bulbs, like almost all LED bulbs, cannot be used in fully-enclosed fixtures.

Due to humidity concerns, all Sengled Smart LED bulbs, with the exception of the Sengled Smart LED Bright White PAR38 bulbs, are not meant to be used outdoors.

Once your bulbs are on, press “Next”.



From here, we can organize the bulbs into rooms via the Sengled Home app. To identify which bulb we are naming, we would press the power button near the middle of the page.

In the provided screenshot, the power button has been circled in red to make it easier to identify. Press it to turn off a bulb. The bulb that responds to this command is the one that is being named and assigned to a room.

Press the “Add Room” button, circled in blue in this example, to add the bulb to a room.

As shown, “Bedroom” is selected by tapping on it. Then, to finalize this choice, we pressed “Add".

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Now the bulb has a new name. Once a bulb is assigned to a room, it will be given a new name. The Sengled Home app will automatically generate names for the bulbs based upon the number of bulbs in that room. Since this bulb is the first bulb to be added to the Bedroom, it has been given the name “Bedroom Bulb 1”. You can change the name of the bulb to something else.

If you go through the setup for an Echo device or Google Home device, the names of the bulbs will transfer over when the hub is connected to the voice-assistance service; the rooms the bulbs are put in with the Sengled Home app will not transfer over. If you decide to use the names assigned to the bulbs in the Sengled Home app after they have been placed in a room, it will make the bulbs easier to identify and organize in the Alexa app and/or Google Home app respectively.

You can, of course, give the bulbs unique names. As long as you can identify them by name, integration with Alexa and/or Google Home will be much easier.

For example, if you have 5 bulbs in the living room, you could name them:

Living Room Bulb 1

Living Room Bulb 2

Living Room Bulb 3

Living Room Bulb 4

Tall Lamp

All of the above names would be transferred over to Alexa and/or Google Home when installing the Sengled Skill.


Once you are done with naming the bulb, press “Next” to name the second bulb. After pressing “Next”, you will see a message that says “Saved Successfully”; press “OK” to proceed.

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In our example, the second bulb has been named as previously demonstrated. We choose to assign the second bulb to the bedroom, since it is in the bedroom. You can, of course, press “Add Room” to create a new room for a bulb or choose from a pre-existing room by scrolling left or right on the “Assign the bulb to a room” line.

Once you have assigned all of your bulbs to a room and named them, press “Done”. From here, the room information will refresh, and you will be redirected back to the “Home” page.



After that, the Sengled Home app will prompt you to a quick tutorial of how to use the Sengled Home app and how to integrate with Echo devices, Google Home Assistant devices and the IFTTT app.

In this example, we clicked on “Sengled Home App” for a quick tutorial of the Sengled Home app.

The following will include the in-app tutorial of the Sengled Home app:


That is all there is to setting up the hub; the below pictures are from the in-app tutorial of the Sengled Home app.  

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After the tutorial, and once everything is synchronized, you can control the bulbs from the “Home” page.

You can turn all your bulbs on or off from the top of the page. To control all the bulbs in the Bedroom group, press the smaller “All On” or “All Off” to the right of the “Bedroom” group. You can also dim the bulbs through the Sengled Home app by dragging the circle in the brightness bar below “Brightness”.


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