
Adding a Sengled Smart LED Multicolor Light Strip to your Sengled Hub

Before getting started, do not power the Smart LED Light Strip just yet. This may cause them to fall out of their three-minute pairing mode. Make sure your phone is connected to the same 2.4 GHz WiFi that your hub is on.

Additionally, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. The Sengled Home app is updated to, at least, version 1.1.42; to check your app's version, tap on the "Settings" tab and then tap on "About Sengled".
  2. Your hub's firmware is updated to, at least, 4.3.9 with coordinator 0.0.5007; this article shows how to do that.

Once you have completed these prerequisites, we can proceed: 

Open the Sengled Home app and press the three-dots-in-a-circle symbol located in the top-right of the screen. Then, press “Add Device”.

 mceclip0.png mceclip1.png


From here, press “Smart LEDs”, please.



Now, a page will pop-up asking you to confirm you have the Smart LED bulbs which require a hub in order to be used.

Read the instructions on the pop-up and, only after you have confirmed the bulb you have meets the criteria shown in the app, press "Confirm".



Now, power the Smart LED Light Strip on.

Note:  The Sengled Smart LED Light Strips are not meant to be used outdoors.

Note: If your light strip was powered on previously for more than three minutes, you would want to: power your light strip off by unplugging it, wait at least 15 seconds, power your light strip back on by plugging it back into the outlet, and then press "Next" to proceed.

mceclip0.png mceclip1.png



Once the Light strip(s) are found, they will flash three times and appear on the screen.

Once the Sengled Home app has indicated it has found all of your devices, press "Next".

In this case, we were only adding one light strip, so we pressed "Next" after it was found.

From here, the strip will be added to your hub. 

mceclip0.png mceclip1.png



Once added to your hub, you will see a green checkmark next to the bulb. Press “Next” to proceed.



Once you are on the “Congratulations” screen, you can assign bulbs to a room.

To identify which device you are assigning to a room, press the power button a few times until you can see the physical device, and not just the icon representation in the app, power off/on.  

Once you know which device you are assigning to a room, we can assign the device to a pre-existing room by scrolling rightward on the “Assign the device to a room bar” or a new room by pressing “Add Room”.

In this example photo, we first tapped on Family Room and then tapped on “Done”.


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