
Setting your Smart Sensors to Turn Your Sengled Smart LED Bulbs On and Off

The following products allow you to automate your lights with trigger events and actions:

Open the Sengled Home app and identify the room the motion sensor for which you would like to set this automation is in—in this case, “Office”.

Tap on the area where the motion sensor’s alerts are displayed—circled in red in the second picture.

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In this case, since we wanted our bulbs to respond to the motion sensor named “Office Door Sensor”, we chose said sensor.

This will take us to the setting page for the chosen sensor.

Under the section “Automation”, the part titled “Window/Door Opens – Lights On”.

To determine what happens when the motion sensor is in the open position, we will tap on said section.

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As stated by the first part labeled “1.If”, this part of the automation will determine what happens when the motion sensor is opened—i.e. when the two parts of the motion sensor are separated from each other.

To select the devices that will be impacted by the motion sensor being opened, press “Select Devices”.

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By default, every device on your Sengled account is selected. Tap on the group names or individual bulbs that you want excluded from this part of the automation.

In this case, we tapped on every group except “Office” and “Guest Room” so that the bulbs in the office and guest room would stay selected.

Once you are done, press “Done” in the top right corner.

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As shown by the devices below the red line, every time the sensor is in the open position, the bulbs will power on—as indicated by the “ON” text below the name of the bulb.




In the provided example, we scrolled down to see the rest of the devices.

We would like for the bulb named “Desk Lamp” to turn off every time the motion sensor is triggered open.

To do this, we tapped on “Desk Lamp”.



From here, tap on the red slider as indicated by the section circled in red.

The status of the bulb when the open trigger occurs has been set to off as indicated by the “Device Off” text and the gray slider.

To get back to adjusting what happens when the open trigger occurs, press the back arrow in the top left corner.

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Now, since we have made all the desired changes, press “Save”.



To ensure said open triggers occur, tap on the slider to turn it red.

As indicated by the second picture, the open triggers will now occur.

From here, we will set what happens when the sensor detects a closed trigger.

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To select the devices that will be impacted by the motion sensor being opened, press “Select Devices”.



By default, every device on your Sengled account is selected. Tap on the group names or individual bulbs that you want excluded from this part of the automation.

In this case, we wanted the close triggers to mirror the open triggers.

To that end, we tapped on every group except “Office” and “Guest Room” so that the bulbs in the office and guest room would stay selected.

Once you are done, press “Done” in the top right corner.

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As shown by the devices below the green line, every time the sensor is in the open position, the bulbs will power on—as indicated by the “OFF” text below the name of the bulb.

Since we want the “Desk Lamp” to turn on when the sensor detects a close trigger, we will tap on “Desk Lamp”.

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From here, tap on the grey slider as indicated by the section circled in red.

The status of the bulb when the close trigger occurs has been set to on as indicated by the “Device On” text and the red slider.

To get back to adjusting what happens when the open trigger occurs, press the back arrow in the top left corner.

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We can rename the trigger by tapping the paper and pencil icon near the top right of the screen.

Now, since we have made all the desired changes, press “Save”.

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For both open and close triggers to work as intended, ensure both sliders are red, like so:


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