Open the Sengled Snap app and tap the hexagon shaped settings button. This will take you to the “Settings” page. As you can see, the night vision, microphone and resolution are near the top under “Camera Settings”.
By tapping “Night Vision” you can set the night vision to “Auto” or “Off”. When set to “Auto”, the night vision of the Snap will turn on when the surrounding light near the Snap is low enough.
When set to “Off”, the Snap’s night vision will not turn on automatically under low light settings.
By tapping the sliding icon next to “Microphone”, you can disable/enable the Snap’s microphone. When the slider is green, that means the microphone is on. This microphone function will determine if the Snap can hear the audio around it.
Press the back button to save the changes.
To adjust the resolution, tap “Resolution” and choose the resolution you wish to have your Snap record video.
Please keep in mind, if your router’s WiFi at the location the Snap is being used in is not strong enough to support higher resolutions of video, the Snap will go offline.
As the arrows have highlighted, you can choose the following resolutions: 480p, 720p, or 1080p.
After tapping on your desired resolution, press the back button to save the changes.