
Control the Solo Color Plus (Smart LED with Multicolor Bluetooth Speaker Bulb)

After your device is connected to the Solo Color Plus and you open the Pulse app, you can control the bulb.

Starting from the top, the color wheel will allow you to set the bulb to the desired color setting.

Below that is a brightness bar, which will allow you to adjust the brightness of the Solo Color Plus.

Of the five presets below, two have unique functions:

Rhythm will have the color of the bulb cycle based upon the music that is playing. If no music is playing, the bulb will stay on the previous color; if music is playing the bulb will pulsate and change colors.

Rainbow will have the bulb gradually cycle through the colors of the rainbow.

If you press the clock in the top-right corner, you can access the “Off Timer”.

By pressing the area circled in green, you can set an off time.




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