
Control brightness in the Pulse App

The Pulse app is the interface that allows you to control the LED and audio of the Pulse bulbs.

You can, if you are satisfied with the lighting your bulbs are providing, just connect to the bulbs via Bluetooth.

To control the bulbs, connect to the Pulse Link/Pulse Master bulb or the Pulse Solo device you are using and open the Pulse app.

Using your finger to hold down on the area circled in green, you can adjust the brightness of the Pulse bulb(s) via dragging the brightness to your desired setting. You can also press the power button to turn the LED of the bulb(s) off or on.

Below is a before and after picture.


You can also control the LED of the bulbs individually. Press the gear icon in the top right corner to do this.

From the “Individual Light Control” page, you can adjust the LED of the bulbs by dragging the dimming bar or pressing the power button next to the LED.



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