First, open the Sengled Home app and press the icon in the top right corner. Then, press “Room Management”.
This will take you to the room management page; from here, press the three dots in a circle icon located at the top right corner. Then, press “Change Order”.
After pressing “Change Order”, you will see three lines next to each room’s name. In this example, we are going to press and hold the three lines next to the “Garage” room. This will allow us to move it. While holding the three lines, drag the room to the desired position and let go.
We moved the “Garage” room to be the second room from the top.
By pressing and holding the three lines next to “Living Room”, we can move it to the top of the page, causing all the other rooms to shift down. As you can see from the picture, this has moved the “Garage Room” to be the third room from the top.
When the rooms are organized to your liking, press “Save” at the top right of the screen.
This will take you back to the “Room Management” page. From here, you can press the back arrow in the top left corner to get back to the “Home” page in the Sengled Home app.