The “Devices” tab is located at the bottom of the “Home” page. Tap “Devices” then you will be on the “Devices” page.
From here, you can turn bulbs on/off by pressing the power button icon—as indicated by the red arrows. You can control the individual settings of bulbs by tapping on them to get to the settings page. In this example, we will tap on “Family Room Bulb 1” to get to that bulb’s settings page.
Since we selected a Sengled Smart LED Multicolor bulb, we can adjust its brightness, color and color temperature. The relevant parts have been pointed to with an arrow or circled in red.
From top to bottom, these relevant parts are: the power button, the sliding button for the brightness bar, the sliding button for the color temperature bar and the color temperature presets. Of note, is the settings button in the top right corner.
If you scroll down on this page, you can see the color settings for the bulb. By tapping on a portion of the color spectrum, you can set the color of the bulb.