No. Once the Solo Color Plus wireless bluetooth speaker bulb is connected to your smart device, you may use any app to play music through the bulb.
- Can I play music on Solo Color Plus with the lights turned off and vice versa?
- Can I play music from two Solo Color Plus bulbs simultaneously with a single smart device?
- Can I use Solo Color Plus in the bathroom?
- Does the Solo Color Plus use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth?
- Do I need to use the Pulse app to play music from the Solo Color Plus?
- Do I need to use the Pulse app to control lighting on the Solo Color Plus?
- What type of socket does the Solo Color Plus bulb fit in?
- Can I connect the Solo Color Plus to my TV, home stereo, laptop, or other non iOS or Android devices?
- Why can one phone connect to the Solo Color Plus bulb to play music and another device can connect to control the lights?
- What Amazon Echo device can stream music through a Solo Color Plus bulb?