
What kind of internet bandwidth/WiFi signal strength is recommended?

In order for Snap to function properly, it requires both robust WiFi signal strength as well as sufficient upload bandwidth at its final location.

Upload consumption depends on how your WiFi network is configured. Please be aware that the upload bandwidth purported by your Internet Service Provider is accurate only under ideal conditions close to your router. In actuality, the upload bandwidth at the desired final location of your Snap may be lower than anticipated, especially for outdoor locations.

We recommend for you to take two measurements at your Snap's final installation location: WiFi signal strength and bandwidth.

To measure your bandwidth, download the "Speedtest" app from either the App Store or the Play Store. Ensure that your mobile device is connected to the same WiFi network as your Snap, and then use the app at the Snap’s final installation location. Below is an example of results from the “Speedtest” app.



WiFi signal strength is measured in dBM, the closer to 0 the stronger the signal; a measurement of -65 dBM at your Snap's final installation location is recommended.

On Android, you may download a free app called "Wi-Fi Analyzer" from the Play Store. As you can see below, the larger arches indicate stronger signal strength. If your router’s signal strength is lower than -65 we recommend selecting another location or increasing your router’s signal at that location. Please be aware that WiFi signal strength and thus bandwidth degrade over open space.


If you have an iPhone, you will have to download an application called NetSpot for your Windows laptop or Macbook. Below is the NetSpot application for MacOS. Use this application to test the WiFi signal strength at the desired final location of your Snap. As you can see, it displays a variety of information with “Signal” being the most important factor. If your router’s signal strength is lower than -65 we recommend selecting another location or increasing your router’s signal at that location. Please be aware that WiFi signal strength and thus bandwidth degrade over open space.

Contact us if you have specific questions about using Snap with your network.


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